Contact us

Need something special? I’d love to help, just fill out the form below and l'll get back to you asap.

743 Santee st.

Los Angeles, CA, 90014


Our Services

Whether you’re looking to show gratitude to your clients or treat your guests at your event, we can craft the perfect confections for your occasion. Please contact us 2-3 months in advance.

What’s Included



Customised, colourful chocolates to suit your colour scheme. You can also use our designs.


Customised flavours to suit your taste buds and your guests. You can also use our flavours.


Boxes in a variety of colors and sizes at your request, accompanied with hand tied ribbons.


Custom cards

Customized flavor cards to showcase flavors or event titles


Safe delivery right to you or your event and instructions to follow


Consistent contact and support with us, right up until your special day.